How do I make an appointment?

Neurology consultations and Botulinum Toxin Treatment for Neurological Disorders

For neurology consultations and Botulinum Toxin treatment, a referral letter from your doctor, addressed by name to one of our specialists, is required to be received and triaged by us before you can make an appointment.

If you have already received a referral from your doctor to see one of our specialists, please click here to upload your referral. Alternatively ask your doctor to fax or email the referral through to us.

Once we have received your referral, our specialists will look at it and triage the referral for urgency. We will be in touch as soon as this has been done to book in your appointment (usually takes about a week).

Once an initial appointment is made we will SMS, email or post to you  confirmation outlining the details of your appointment and any costs involved.

When booking your appointment we will let you know any fee associated with your appointment. Please contact us by phone if you have any questions on (08) 8132 0494.


Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography

For nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography (EMG) appointments a referral letter from your doctor is required before you can make an appointment. If you have already received a referral from your doctor to see one of our specialists for an NCS or EMG, please click here to upload your referral. Alternatively ask your doctor to fax or email the referral through to us.

For doctors – click here to download an NCS & EMG referral form

For doctors – click here to fill out on online form for a NCS & EMG referral


For patients – click here to download an NCS & EMG patient info sheet

If you are needing an NCS or EMG, your referral doesn’t need to be received or looked at by the specialists to triage it for urgency before an appointment can be made. So if you have received a referral you can call to book in your appointment today on (08) 8132 0494.

Once an appointment is made we will SMS confirmation or post a confirmation letter outlining the details of your appointment.

Botulinum Toxin Treatment

Please contact reception staff for further information regarding fees associated with this service on (08) 8132 0494.

Once an initial appointment is made we will SMS confirmation or post a confirmation letter outlining the details of your appointment and any costs involved.


If you are seeing a specialist as a part of an active WorkCover claim, you must notify the reception staff when making your appointment on (08) 8132 0494 . You will be required to provide additional documentation at the time of your appointment to ensure you do not have to pay the full fee. Please contact reception staff if you need further information about making a WorkCover related appointment.

Why do I need a referral?

All specialist appointments require a referral. This can be obtained either from your GP or Specialist. Most GP referrals are current for 12 months. If you are referred by your Specialist, these referrals are only valid for 3 months. Due to wait times the referral is activated from the date of your first visit. It is always the responsibility of the patient to ensure the referral remains current and not our staff.

If you are unsure whether a referral is still valid please call our friendly reception staff to help you. It is a Medicare requirement to have a referral to get your rebate from Medicare. No referral means no rebate.

If you are seeing your specialist for longer than a 12 month period, it is your responsibility to get a new referral. Referrals do not go for indefinite periods unless your GP chooses to give an indefinite referral for chronic conditions. This however, is at the discretion of your GP.

Medicare rules prohibit the backdating of referrals and as such, your GP or Specialist WILL NOT issue backdated referral letters.

Where are you located?

Our practice is located at Suite 5/27 College Road, Kent Town SA 5067 on the ground floor. We’re situated in a cul-de-sac near the intersection of Fullarton Road and The Parade West. We have an onsite car park but patients may also use the Chloe’s Restaurant car park. Street parking is also available.

What should I bring to my appointment?

  • Letter of current referral for NCS or EMG if not previously sent. If you have a second, third or subsequent neurology consultation and your previous referral is no longer valid, you will need to bring your letter of current referral if not previously sent. Click here to upload your referral. Alternatively ask your doctor to fax or email the referral through to us.
  • Medicare card, Veteran Affairs card and private health insurance card
  • Any MRI, CT scans or x-rays relevant to your condition
  • A list of your current medications is always helpful

How long will my appointment take?

  • For initial neurology consultations please allow 45 minutes to an hour for your appointment
  • For a second, third and subsequent consultations please allow 15 to 30 minutes for your appointment
  • For an NCS test allow an hour for your appointment. Typically the NCS test only takes 5 to 10 minutes with the technician, then you will sit back down in the waiting room. Then in between consultations your specialist will take you in to discuss the results and the next steps to take
  • For an EMG test allow an hour for your appointment. Typically the EMG test only takes 10 to 20 minutes with the technician, then you will sit back down in the waiting room. Then in between consultations your specialist will take you in to discuss the results and the next steps to take
  • For a Botulinum toxin treatment allow 30 to 45 minutes for your appointment

We endeavour to run to our appointment times but sometimes emergencies do occur which can lead to delays and unfortunately these are unavoidable. Our doctors always endeavour to give all their patients a high quality of care and some conditions/tests require extra time.

How much will my appointment cost?

Neurology Consultations

Medicare rebates offset but do not cover the cost of medical care. Fees for private neurology consultations are variable. Contact reception staff to clarify the fee that will apply to your visit on (08) 8132 0494.

Prior to your appointment please ensure your doctor has sent through your referral via email or fax or you have uploaded your referral here as attendance without a referral means you will not be eligible for a Medicare refund.

All accounts are payable in full on the day of service. We accept Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express™, EFTPOS and Cheques.

Once an initial appointment is made we will SMS confirmation or post a confirmation letter outlining the details of your appointment and any costs involved.

Nerve Conduction Study and Electromyography

Nerve conduction study (NCS) and electromyography (EMG) tests are bulk billed. Please bring your Medicare card on the day of your test. If you do not hold a Medicare card (e.g. overseas visitor), please contact the reception staff to enquire about your estimated fees prior to your appointment. You will be required to pay your account in full on the day of your test. Most health funds do not provide any rebate for nerve conduction studies.

If you are claiming your test under a WorkCover claim, you will need to provide your claim details and written documentation confirming your eligibility for funding for this test prior to the test being performed. If you are unable to provide this documentation, your appointment can be bulk billed through Medicare instead.

Botulinum Toxin Treatment

Please contact reception staff for further information regarding fees associated with this service on (08) 8132 0494. Once an initial appointment is made we will SMS confirmation or post a confirmation letter outlining the details of your appointment and any costs involved.


If you are seeing a specialist as a part of an active WorkCover claim, you must notify the reception staff when making your appointment on (08) 8132 0494 . You will be required to provide additional documentation at the time of your appointment to ensure you do not have to pay the full fee. Please contact reception staff if you need further information about making a WorkCover related appointment.

Are appointments covered by Medicare or Private Health Insurance?

Appointments with the neurologist are covered by Medicare and once payment is made our staff will lodge electronically on your behalf. If you have registered your bank account details with Medicare you should receive your rebate within 48 hours.

Private health insurance covers hospital admissions for the specialist and not the consultations.

We accept Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express™, EFTPOS and Cheques.

What services do you provide?

Our services include but are not exclusive to assessment, diagnosis and management of neurological disorders such as stroke, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, dementia and neurodegenerative disorders. We also do Nerve Conduction Study (NCS) and Electromyography (EMG) tests and botulinum injections for cervical dystonia (also called spasmodic torticollis), blepharospasm (involuntary closure of the eyes), hemifacial spasm (involuntary movement of one half of the face), migraine, axillary hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating) and spasticity.

What should I expect when I come to my appointment?

Upon arrival you will be checked in by the reception staff. If you are booked in for a Nerve Conduction Study (NCS) or Electromyography (EMG) test, these will be performed by a technician before you see the specialist.